Wednesday 23 March 2016


Freedom and justice for all black lives

Black lives matter is a unique contribution beyond the killings of black people by police. It goes beyond the narrow nationalism that can be prevalent within black communities, which merely call on black people to love black, live black, and buy black, keeping straight CIS black men in the front of the movement while our sisters, queer and trans and disabled folk take up roles in the background or not at all. For more information on the matter click on this link Black_lives_matter

My skin, your skin, our skin regardless

Humanity should be our race, love should be our religion. Skin does not defy you, skin says nothing about you. I accept the colour of my skin and have no intentions on judging other people’s skin colour. Love has no discrimination, it does not hate, the issue of racism should not be ignored, instead it should be addressed, ignoring the issue will do no good but will do more harm and damage to the hearts of our people. Blacks are human, the skin colour does not say much what matters the most is what is inside the heart of the person. The killing and hatred should stop, I am confident and beautiful in my natural colour, I am not afraid nor ashamed of my colour, I embrace myself because it is what God has given me, and I have received my blessings from God. We should be more united instead of ganging up against each other, my sister is not the one I shared the womb with, but the one whom I meet in the street, my brothers are not defined by my race but are identified by the love they have for their sister from another mother. 

What kind of future are we willing to give to the next generation? The world would be at a better place if we loved each other, I do not condone what people in our past has created, black people being treated as slaves, forgetting that they are human too, we inhale the same oxygen, drink the same water even though we do not have the same thinking capability, but it is not our place to compare nor Judge. Why not change things while we still can? The number of people who have died in the past because of the same issue will never be at peace if the same issue continuously happens. We are better, we are one, and we will love and respect each other despite our skin color. 


  1. We should not let colour differentiate us, whether you're black or white you just have to appreciate your colour and enjoy. Only god knows why he made us like this.

    1. Indeed, the only issue that makes us to promote racism is the lack of respect towards each other. Only God who knows the reason behind the color of our skin

  2. I personally i agree with you when you say this have been formed because of killings of black people especially by white Americans police.

    1. Indeed just when we thought the issue of racism existed only in our country. This proves that racism will never end, and the people who suffers the most are blacks

  3. Touched!! indeed it is time to change and become one. We do not want to find ourselves in apartheid again.

    1. Seems like we going back to those apartheid eras

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It is sad to know that people can be treated as less of human beings due to the color of their skin.

    1. Yes Zintle, but the matter of fact is we cannot change what God has created

    2. Yes Zintle, but the matter of fact is we cannot change what God has created

  5. This clear depict that racism still around in our country and we no longer tolerate to such thing

    1. Yes and what people don't understand is that we all human

  6. Inspiring I totally agree with you people should not be loved based on the colour of their skin or race love is unconditional it does not discriminate nor hate. our lives as blacks do matter

    1. Yes and I am totally against the fact that black people be treated like they are animals

  7. The issue of black lives not to matter, predates from earlier times, black people are mentally enslaved into thinking that they are inferior to other races.... I remember the words of my personal hero the black race leader Mr Marcus Mosiah Garvey that "The black skin is not a badge of shame but rather the symbol of national greatness", we are the ones who can emancipate ourselves from mental slavery.

    1. But how so? do you control what other people say or think about you? it is not about us en slavering our selves but change the perspective of others

  8. Seems to me that this fight of blacks over whites will never end.

    1. Indeed hatred has been implanted it will be difficult to destroy the root
